Work Experience
Stained Glass Conservator/Consultant
​New York, New York. November 2011 - present.
All aspects of stained glass conservation, fabrication and design for private clients. Provision of consultation services to owners of stained glass windows and other objects. Writing specifications, assessing work proposals, making surveys, creating condition reports and treatment recommendations and preventive conservation, taking into account the stained glass and all related fixtures and fittings.
Instructor, Stained Glass Skills, American College of the Building Arts
​Charleston, South Carolina. January 2020.
Instructor for one-week, for-credit course introducing students in the various specialisms (wood, metal, and stone) to the basics of stained glass design, construction and conservation including layout, patterning, leading, glass painting, in situ repairs and chemical and materials safety, with an emphasis on hands-on experience. Focus on learning and understanding the medium and finding out how it interacts with, and will be encountered in the students' future work with their own specialty.
Instructor, Basic Stained Glass Skills, University of York
​York, United Kingdom. October 2011.
Instructor for one-week, non-credit course introducing the new intake of students to the basics of stained glass design, construction and conservation including layout, patterning, leading, glass painting, in situ repairs and chemical and materials safety, with an emphasis on hands-on experience. Instruction of seven students with varying levels of knowledge of the medium, from beginners with little experience to experienced glaziers relearning the medium from a conservation point of view.
Freelance Stained Glass Conservator
​New York, New York. February 1999 - September 2004; December 2005-September 2009.
All aspects of stained glass conservation, fabrication and design for private clients and studios, including: Victor Rothman for Stained Glass, Yonkers, New York; Sunlight Stained Glass, Rockaway, New York; Ernest Porcelli Stained Glass, Brooklyn, New York; Brooklyn Stained Glass Conservation Corp., Brooklyn, New York.
Stained Glass Conservator, Victoria & Albert Museum
London, United Kingdom. October 2004 to November 2005.
All aspects of stained glass conservation on objects from the 12th through the 20th centuries from the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum for the permanent exhibit “Sacred Silver and Stained Glass.”
Stained Glass Conservator/Craftsperson, Victor Rothman for Stained Glass
New York, New York. May 1998 to January 1999.
All aspects of stained glass conservation, fabrication and design. Participation in site visits and review of job specifications.
Apprentice Stained Glass Conservator, The St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts, Inc./The American Heritage Center for Conservation and Training
Brooklyn, New York. September 1994 to September 1997.
Three-year apprenticeship training program in stained glass conservation through a fellowship from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. (See below, Education.)
Research Assistant for Nicholas Adams, Professor of Architectural History, Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, New York. August 1989 to March 1990.
Researched background architectural history, compiled seminar bibliography on museum architecture and located images for lecture use.
Conservation Internship, The Sherman Fairchild Center for Objects Conservation, Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, New York. May 2010 to September 2010.
Five month required internship as part of the Masters Degree in Stained Glass Conservation at the University of York. Completed conservation work on two panels, one from the 13th century and one from the late-15th, early-16th century. Conducted complete photo, written and computer documentation, background research, determination of optimal treatment plans in consultation with curators and conservators, removal of glass from lead matrix, cleaning, glass and lead repair/conservation, paint replacement for missing glass, reinstatement of glass into lead matrix and preparation for display, full treatment reports. In addition, participated in meetings with museum staff regarding display, planning, acquisition and lighting.
Samuel H. Kress Foundation: Fellowship for the Study of Stained Glass Conservation
October 1997 to March 1998.
Five-month, self-designed program of study and internships with various European conservation studios and ateliers, including Cologne Cathedral, Canterbury Cathedral, Lincoln Cathedral, Barley Studio in York, England. Participated in all aspects of the conservation of windows from the 12th through the 20th centuries. Worked with computer documentation and various protective glazing systems. Full list of sites and description of work available upon request.
Volunteer Work
The St. Ann Center for Restoration and The Arts, Inc.
Brooklyn, New York. January 1993 to August 1994.
Volunteer work at the in-house stained glass studio at The Church of St. Ann and the Holy Trinity. Given the opportunity to learn all basic aspects of stained glass conservation and fabrication.
New York Cares
April 2013 to present.
Participation in various volunteer opportunities through the New York Cares organisation. Volunteer activities include the ‘Art Explorers’ and the ‘Bedtime Stories with The Educational Alliance'. These projects involve reading to and with children, playing games and assisting the children with art and craft projects, aimed at promoting self-esteem, communication skills, literacy and a love of reading and art. Additional activities include tutoring adults studying for their Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) exam as part of the High School Equivalency (HSE) class and rebuilding homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy.
“Manna From Heaven.” By Drew Anderson and Daniella Peltz
In, Asheville 2011 AGG Conference Preprints.
First given by Drew Anderson, July, 2011 at the American Glass Guild’s Sixth Annual Conference in Asheville, North Carolina, USA.
“An examination of the lead matrices of 19th century American plated opalescent stained glass windows by John LaFarge.” By Daniella Peltz and Victor Rothman
In, Les Dossiers de L’IPW, 3. Techniques du vitrail au XIXe siècle, pp 197-206, June 2007.
First given in June 2007 at the CVMA Forum for the Conservation and Restoration of Stained Glass in Namur, Belgium.
University of York, York, United Kingdom
October 2009 to January 2012. Master of Arts, Stained Glass Conservation and Heritage Management
Related Course Work: Philosophical Approaches to Conservation; Conservation Solutions; Cultural Heritage Management 1: concepts, principles and practice; Cultural Heritage Management 2: museums, audiences and interpretation; Stained Glass Conservation History and Theory; Advanced Techniques in Stained Glass Conservation; Art and Imagery in York Minster; 'Painting on Light': Stained Glass in the Medieval Tradition. Dissertation Topic: ‘Twixt Art and Architecture: The Place of Stained Glass in the Spectrum of Conservation Philosophy, the American Perspective. Recipient, Headley Trust Bursary for Conservation Education.
The St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts, Inc./The American Heritage Center for Conservation and Training, Brooklyn, New York
September 1994 to September 1997. Three-year Apprenticeship Training Program in Stained Glass Conservation through a fellowship from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.
Hands-on tuition in all aspects of stained glass conservation and construction, including glass painting, window fabrication, construction of scaffolding, removal and installation of windows at height, all procedures and methods involved in the conservation of stained glass windows, including the 19th century stained glass windows from the Church of St. Ann and the Holy Trinity and windows by L.C. Tiffany.
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York
Graduated, May 1991. Bachelor of Arts; Major - Art History. Minor – Religion.
Related Course Work: Romanesque and Gothic Sculpture and the Minor Arts; Romanesque and Gothic Architecture; Late Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo Architecture; 19th and 20th Century American Art and Architecture; 20th Century Architecture; Architecture of Utopia; The City as a Work of Art; Senior Thesis - The Use of Space in the Art and Architecture of the Early Christian and Byzantine Eras.
2010 - present
2010 - present